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Your Rights and Responsibilities

  1. a. Mover Company must give you a written estimate.

  2. b. Movers may also give a binding estimate.

  3. c. Non-binding estimates are not always very accurate; actual charges may even exceed the written estimate.

  4. d. If your mover actually provides you with (or someone even representing for you) with any of the only partially complete document for your signature, you should definitely verify the whole document is as full complete as it is possible even before signing it. Make very sure that the whole document also contains all of the relevant general shipping information, except for the actual shipment weight and also any other relevant information that is necessary to determine all the final charges for all those services that was performed.

  5. e. You may even request from your hired mover that the availability of a guaranteed pick-up and also delivery dates.

  6. f. Be very sure that you should understand the entire mover’s basic responsibility for any loss or even damage, and also request a full explanation of all the difference in between their valuation and also the actual insurance.

  7. g. You definitely have the basic right to be present at each time that your shipment is fully weighed.

  8. h. You may even request a complete re-weigh of your whole shipment.

  9. i. If you actually agree to move under a entire non-binding estimate, you should also confirm with your mover—only in writing—the real method of payment at your delivery as cash or certified bankers check, cashier’s check, money order or a credit card.