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Major Van Lines - About us

Over the past 10 years, Major van Lines, Inc. has established itself as one of the largest residential and corporate relocation in the United States. With approximately 40 million people moving throughout the country on a yearly basis, our roster of elite moving Major van Lines has emerged as the fastest way to get in touch with dependable movers that won't charge you expensive rates. With a strong network featuring hundreds of veteran carriers, we have been able to successfully maintain our reputation that has solidified us as a high-quality and effective company that is capable of connecting customers to the most reliable movers.

In the moving industry, experience is everything. Choosing amateur movers can put your beloved possessions at risk. When you company name, you get access to certified movers that are licensed by the Department of Transportation and that take control of your move while providing elite moving services at affordable rates.

We are diversely known in the relocation business and we are empowered with methods our competitors can only hope to obtain. Our commitment is to utilize our industry know-how in a professional and proficient manner and at a pace that assures success. We wholeheartedly adhere to our philosophy "value each customer, regardless of the size of the move."