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Corporate Relocation

Major Van Line services are highly experienced in commercial moves and can even handle just any type of your business move. We had also learned that each and every business move is extremely very important and even unique.

Major Van Line understands your real need also to minimize the final interruption to all of your daily businesses.

We even understand the whole concept of a final deadline and the great importance of making your business company being back in your business as soon as it is possible. At Major Van Line we actually believe that a very successful commercial business move is the very base on a whole complete and also organized removal of the strategy

We are all familiar with the very special requirements of those business commercial moves, including building protection, insurance, access to the main building and some restrictions of elevator usage.

Major Van Line is very much familiar with all those special handling of your business equipment, such as your communication systems, computers, copiers, fax machines etc.

We love our customers:

We will very gladly answer any of your moving & storage related questions that you may have just let Major Van Line solve all of your relocation and moving problems.