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Louisiana is a state in the South of the United States of America.

Louisiana is bordered to the west by Texas, to the north by Arkansas, to the east by the state of Mississippi, and to the south by the Gulf of Mexico.

Louisiana (as much of the rest of the South), is known to display the stereotypical "Southern hospitality". However, the condition is that you give respect back. The pace of life is often more Mediterranean than other parts of the US. Approach locals with a positive attitude and you are apt to make friends; a gruff impatient attitude may generate resentment rather than promptness.

South Louisiana has a large Cajun population; while English is generally understood everywhere, French is still spoken by many people especially in South West Louisiana. Louisiana Cajun French is a distinct dialect difficult to understand for many speakers of conventional or Parisian French.

The notorious Hurricane Katrina of 2005 particularly affected the South East of Louisiana with one of the worst disasters in U.S. history. Less well known elsewhere but causing significant damage locally were Hurricane Rita hitting Louisiana's South West a month later, and other areas flooded in Hurricane Gustav in 2008. The disasters are still an emotional subject to many Louisianans.

Even those who escaped with little harm often have friends, relatives, and co-workers with more tragic stories. Jokes that you were told elsewhere blaming or insulting Louisianians will bring a negative response here. Some locals may be inclined to share disaster stories with sympathetic visitors, but others prefer not to talk about it--don't push them.

Get out

  • Texas - America's second largest state borders Louisiana to the west. With a rich history and culture, this fiercely independent state measures over 267,000 square miles in area, making it slightly larger than France.
  • Arkansas - Louisiana's northern neighbor, "The Natural State", is home to the Ozark Mountains in the northwest while the south and east of the state has flatter land and shows more of its agricultural heritage.
  • Mississippi - The state's eastern neighbor has Civil War battlefields, scenic parkways, and antebellum charm.


Louisiana regions

  • Greater New Orleans New Orleans & surrounding towns, bayous, the lower Mississippi
  • Acadiana The center of Cajun culture, with distinctive food and music
  • Central Alexandria and historic Natchitoches
  • Florida Parishes Baton Rouge and the Lake Pontchartrain North Shore
  • North North Louisiana is culturally the most "Southern"; Shreveport, historic Indian mounds

