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Cancellation Policy

We do understand that many unanticipated events could happen very occasionally in everyone’s life. Business meetings, flight delays, project deadlines, snowstorms, car problems and also serious illness are just a very few of the reasons as to why one might actually consider for canceling a booking. In our basic desire to be an effective and also fair to all of our clients and out of this consideration for all of our clients time, we also

Have adopted the following refund policies:

a) At least a 48 hour advance notification is required when ever canceling a booking. This really allows the great opportunity for someone else to book a truck.

b) If you are actually unable to give us the 48 hours of advance notice you will then be charged the full amount of your booking.

This amount must actually be paid just prior to your next booking.

No-Turn Up:

Anyone who ever either forgets or even consciously chooses to forgo their truck bookings for whatsoever reason will finally be considered a “no-turn up”. They will also be charged for their “missed schedule” booking and the future service will also be entirely denied until the full payment is made.