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Your Rights and Responsibilities

Filing of Claims for Loss or Damage or even Delay and any Dispute Resolution Programs, should your move actually result in a huge loss or some damage to any of your loaded property, you have all the right to file a legal claim with the mover only to recover money for such a loss or even damage.

You have just nine full months following either the date of actual delivery or the date on which the whole shipment should have finally been delivered, to file a full claim. However, you should also file a claim as soon as it is possible. If you actually fail to file a full claim within some 120 days following the delivery and also later bring in a legal action against the particular mover to recover all of your damages, you may not even be able to recover all of your attorney fees even though you win in the court legal action.

While the Federal Government even maintains some regulations governing the processing of loss and great damage claims, it cannot ever resolve all those claims. If at all you cannot even settle a final claim with the mover, you may even file a civil litigation action to recover in the court. In this connection, you may also obtain the name and address of the mover's sub agent for the service of a legal process in your State just by contacting the FHWA.

In addition to this inter state movers are also required to participate in all Dispute Resolution Program, which actually provides that all those certain types of unresolved loss or even damage claims must also be submitted to a neutral arbitrator for its resolution.