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Fine Art Moving

No matter how you actually describe all those precious items that you actually transport, majorvanline understands your full absolute necessity for great care that is without any questions. Whether you are fully responsible for a great multi-city tour or just a one-time exhibition, an entire collection or even a single one masterpiece, simply count on majorvanline to usher all your shipments with an unfailing attention to integrity both safety as well as security.

We even considerably control the whole climate all around of your treasure.

Using a high precision climate system, we can control the temperature within a specified tolerance for all of the optimal well-being of all your sensitive items even during the transit.

Super-insulated truck trailers that are combined with very powerful climate-control units that provide an unfailing protection, even in those extreme environments. Majorvanline designed truck trailers with superior air-ride telescopic suspension, power hydraulic lift gates and a chain host of a specialized equipment also help you to enable a full worry-free antique loading, transportation and also unloading at destination.

You also get lot of specific attention from the very best.

Your majorvanline fine arts team even consists of full specifically-assigned truck van operators, so that all your shipment is always in the very same hands. Our fine arts antique van truck operators are carefully hand-picked from among the very best performers in our whole organization. They average about 15 years of rich hand on experience in those specialized antique transportation.